Anime I'd Like To See Licensed for Region 1 DVD/HD-DVD/Blu-Ray:
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Sweeping epic space opera, deeply immersed in the philosophy of politics, war, and life. It's 110 episodes long, which means a long wait if it were released volume-by-volume, with three or four episodes per, but if they made season boxsets and released one or two a year, they would have it done in two to four years and it would be awesome. I suggest David Wittenburg as Yang Wen-li in the dub. David Kaye as Reinhard von Lohengramm. Extras could include models, soundtracks, booklets with linear art for ships and/or notes pertaining to the classical music used in each episode. I would guess that a company like Bandai Entertainment or AnimeEigo would pick this up. Maybe Central Park Media.
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