I thought I'd get back to the "storyline", or bookend material, this month, because the videos are pretty short. I know you probably just skip to the review portion (I'm glad anyone even bothers with that much), but I like doing this sort of thing now and then, because it allows me to play with more sprites. I love playing with my (and Rob's) sprites!
I have toyed with ideas I mentioned here about a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fanfic, but I feel like I'm getting a little too old to be writing anime fanfics. And yeah, I was going to do a separate video series, aside from Otaku Evolution, on the DC animated films that come out straight to DVD/Blu-Ray. I had a lot of things ready for it, too, like a rating system for each feature. I somehow just never got to it. Should I still do it? Eh.
Also, Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure, folks. It's a Dragon Ball movie. With Arale in it!