Otaku Evolution Episode 263 - Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (Part 1)

Welcome back to Otaku Evolution! It's 2025 and boy have I got things planned for you, the viewer! Assuming I'm not just screaming out into the void, that is.

Speaking of screaming, there sure is a lot of that in Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. Maybe not as much as in G Gundam, but there's plenty. Everybody seems to be a little on edge, which is one of the reasons I like it (but also a reason some people dislike it). Characters might just fly off the handle completely at any time. It's neat!

In this first part of a two-parter, I take a look at Z Gundam's premise and characters. There's quite a few characters and I don't even get to all of them. But the ones I do are fairly well covered, in my opinion, at least in a snapshot sense.

Most importantly (not really), we have a continuation of the storyline stuff in my last OE video, and it seems that Pen Pen has been busy in the meantime. Busy drinking, that is.


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