gundam seed

PG Strike Freedom WIP 09: Awww, Shit

It's been a while since I updated the progress on this kit. I ran into issues last week during an unexpected temperature drop. I didn't notice that the temperature had dropped ten degrees from the previous day to the high 40's. That difference in temperature was just enough to ruin the dull coat on a dozen or more pieces that I had spend the previous weekend applying decals on. An example below. The blotchy piece on the left was coated in the colder weather, the piece on the right the day before.
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PG Strike Freedom WIP 05: Wing structure, painted!

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After some work I've completed the wing structure for my PG Strike Freedom, and painted 'em. Instead of a blueish-black they're now a flat black (with a bit of temp gloss coat to protect the paint for the time being). The gold bits have all been repainted and they look fantastic. For comparison, a straight build shot from Dalong...
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PG Strike Freedom WIP 04: Red Wings

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So after several different attempts I finally have some completed wings for my PG Strike Freedom. I decided to paint them prior to construction so I didn't have to worry about misplacing parts during disassembly. Eventually I'll paint in the recessed parts instead of using the stickers provided with the kit. The gold pieces in the tips are painted.

PG Strike Freedom WIP 02: Perfect Grade - Quality Not Included

This WIP post is more so a mini review of the PG Strike Freedom. People have complained about the price tag not being worth the level of detail/design/proportions/lack of gimmicks but I believe they've missed one of this kit's biggest faults. But first a few shots of progress thus far...
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Gundam SEED Was Never Good Part II: Coordinators Suck Ass

Another thing occured to me as I thought about how bad the CE era programs of Gundam were. Despite being the targets of discrimination and possible genoicide, Coordinators are utterly unsympathetic.

Think about what a Coordinator is. No, let's think about what it is not. It isn't the same as a Newytpe. You can't MAKE a Newtype. Best you can do is an artificial Newtype ("Cyber-Newtype"), and they're usually unstable fuckwits like Four Murasame or Rosamia Badam. No, you can't make a Newtype. Newtypes are supposed to be the natural evolution of mankind. Coordinators may have increased spatial awareness at times, but they aren't the progression of mankind's evolution.

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