Otaku Evolution Episode 264 - Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (Part 2)

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is definitely my favorite Gundam title. The mechanical designs, the complexity of the competing factions, the mood and atmosphere, the characters and themes, all make this my favorite mecha series, period. Even above Evangelion, which features my favorite penguin! (But favorites positions are subject to change over time.)

But I don't think Zeta Gundam is perfect, and in this video, I go over some of the problems with it, and especially the disappointing movie trilogy they made.

Dragon Ball Daima - Episode 16 Review

Episode 16, "Degesu"

Enemies in the shadows!This guy's only real attack.



Synopsis: Degesu, seeing that Gomah's defeat is inevitable, visits Dende in the nursery. Vegeta easily takes out Gomah's Gendarmerie Force. Goku's group confronts Degesu as he attempts to escape, but he puts a gun to Dende. Glorio and Panzy take down Degesu and rescue Dende. The girl Degesu hired to get the Third Eye belt arrives in Gomah's throne room. Goku's group comes to where the Tamagami is and notice that the Dragon Ball has been taken. Arinsu, Kuu, and Duu arrive. Meanwhile, Gomah has trouble removing the Third Eye from the belt, but eventually applies it to his head and transforms.

Dragon Ball Daima - Episode 15 Review

Episode 15, "Third Eye"

Vegeta about to fire a blastMajin King Dabura



Synopsis: King Gomah orders a full-out attack on Goku and his group, using their specialized laser cannons that can even (temporarily) disable the Saiyans and Piccolo. However, they group is able to run off Gomah's forces and invade Gomah's fortress. There, they're met with more resistance from the soldiers. Gomah spots the legendary Third Eye on Hybis' belt and orders Degesu to retrieve it for him. In the midst of the fighting, Hybis trades away his belt for a hat. When tanks roll out to deal with Goku and the gang, they're saved by King Kadan and his men, who join in the fight with special armor. The two groups easily defeat Gomah's men.


Otaku Evolution Episode 263 - Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (Part 1)

Welcome back to Otaku Evolution! It's 2025 and boy have I got things planned for you, the viewer! Assuming I'm not just screaming out into the void, that is.

Speaking of screaming, there sure is a lot of that in Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. Maybe not as much as in G Gundam, but there's plenty. Everybody seems to be a little on edge, which is one of the reasons I like it (but also a reason some people dislike it). Characters might just fly off the handle completely at any time. It's neat!

Dragon Ball Daima - Episode 13 Review

Episode 13, "Surprise"

Dagasu up to no goodArinsu looks at her Dragon Ball



Synopsis: Angry at the recent events, Gomah orders Dagasu shut off Lord Warp. Meanwhile, Goku and the gang's ship crashes onto a planet of giants. There, they're attacked first by giant hamsters, then a giant dog, then a giant grade-schooler. They are barely able to escape by using their ki.

I'm just a big kid, myselfGoku flees fleas (or ticks)


"Surprise", indeed! Surprise: an episode of nothing but stupid bullshit!

Dragon Ball Daima - Episode 12 Review

Episode 12, "True Strength"

Vegeta's escapeChocolate time



Synopsis: Vegeta displays great power as he continues to fight Tamagami Number Two, so Neva uses an ability to make the latter stronger. The fight continues underwater, Majin Duu demands chocolate to continue fighting Tamagami Number One, which is delivered by Kuu. With renewed vigor, Duu defeats the Tamagami. However, the final test is that of mathematics, which Duu needs the help of Kuu to beat, finally gaining the Dragon Ball. Cornered in the water, Vegeta powers up to the third level of Super Saiyan, beating Tamagami Number Two. He also manages to guess the answer to the final quiz, too, gaining the Dragon Ball. King Gomah watches all this on monitors, greatly dissatisfied.


Otaku Evolution Episode 262 - Year End English Dub Review XI

One last video for 2024! It's been one heckuva ride, folks (especially the particularly bumpy patch towards the end). As usual, I'm here to look at all the English dubs of the anime I've covered in the second part of the year. The strongest by far was Black Lagoon's. I love that dub. In fact, I think it's the final Grand Pantheon dub I hadn't reviewed yet. What will I do from now on? Well, (un)fortunately, OE isn't just about really good things.

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