Another thing occured to me as I thought about how bad the CE era programs of Gundam were. Despite being the targets of discrimination and possible genoicide, Coordinators are utterly unsympathetic.
Think about what a Coordinator is. No, let's think about what it is not. It isn't the same as a Newytpe. You can't MAKE a Newtype. Best you can do is an artificial Newtype ("Cyber-Newtype"), and they're usually unstable fuckwits like Four Murasame or Rosamia Badam. No, you can't make a Newtype. Newtypes are supposed to be the natural evolution of mankind. Coordinators may have increased spatial awareness at times, but they aren't the progression of mankind's evolution.
No, a Coordinator. A Coordinator is a test tube baby altered to be smarter, faster, stronger, and better than human beings, in pretty much every way. And which people become Coordinators? Which children are chosen to be a race of artificial supermen? The wealthy elite. Rich folk who ALREADY have all the advantages in the world. And they're all space colonists. The elite colonists are cooking up a batch of supermen with the intention of supplanting the human race with Coordinators.
So, are we supposed to care, as viewers, when a group like Blue Cosmos wants to nuke these fucking jerkoffs into oblivion? Are we supposed to shed a tear for these mass produced supermen who look to pop singers and smooth-talking douchebags for wisdom when somebody decides to declare war on them? Already, in the first series, we learn that Coordinators are being discriminated against, and I don't give a fuck. They're not a "race". Races aren't born in labs. Fuck Coordinators. Any normal person would join Blue Cosmos in a second. Cloning body parts is one thing, but making entire artificial people? No.
Then look at the Coordinators themselves. Look at the characters who are Coordinators. They're all douchebags. Kira, Athrun, Shinn, Lacus, Rau, Durandal, Rey, Hiene, these are all wastes of life. Not a single likeable Coordinator. Apparently their genetic manipulation didn't include personality upgrades. The only halfway likeable characters in CE era Gundam are Naturals.
Fuck Coordinators. For a blue and pure world!