
Otaku Evolution Episode 264 - Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (Part 2)

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is definitely my favorite Gundam title. The mechanical designs, the complexity of the competing factions, the mood and atmosphere, the characters and themes, all make this my favorite mecha series, period. Even above Evangelion, which features my favorite penguin! (But favorites positions are subject to change over time.)

But I don't think Zeta Gundam is perfect, and in this video, I go over some of the problems with it, and especially the disappointing movie trilogy they made.

Otaku Evolution Episode 263 - Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (Part 1)

Welcome back to Otaku Evolution! It's 2025 and boy have I got things planned for you, the viewer! Assuming I'm not just screaming out into the void, that is.

Speaking of screaming, there sure is a lot of that in Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. Maybe not as much as in G Gundam, but there's plenty. Everybody seems to be a little on edge, which is one of the reasons I like it (but also a reason some people dislike it). Characters might just fly off the handle completely at any time. It's neat!

Otaku Evolution Episode 262 - Year End English Dub Review XI

One last video for 2024! It's been one heckuva ride, folks (especially the particularly bumpy patch towards the end). As usual, I'm here to look at all the English dubs of the anime I've covered in the second part of the year. The strongest by far was Black Lagoon's. I love that dub. In fact, I think it's the final Grand Pantheon dub I hadn't reviewed yet. What will I do from now on? Well, (un)fortunately, OE isn't just about really good things.

Otaku Evolution Episode 261 - Favorite Anime Studios

Look, I'm going to level with you. I've been terribly sick and depressed for the past month. Especially sick the past week or so. It's been harder to get into the holiday joy mood this year than usual. I'm not a hopeless case, I don't think, it's just been a pain to get motivated to do anything. Fortunately, I did a lot of this video ahead of time.

Otaku Evolution Episode 260 - Lupin III: Takeshi Koike Movies

Sorry, no commentary this time, either. I've been pretty depressed lately, and have to give all my energy to my next video. Please enjoy my video and contribute to my Patreon.


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- Penguin Truth


Otaku Evolution Episode 259 - Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer

Sorry this one doesn't have a commentary or anything. I'll insert one here later. I've been stressed out because my YT account has strikes against it. All future videos will be up on Dailymotion until further notice.


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- Penguin Truth


Otaku Evolution Episode 258 - Akira


Akira is one of those obvious "must-review" anime classics that it feels like I should have gotten to a long, long time ago. But I didn't just want to review everything everyone else was reviewing all the time, which is why I held off on it. But holding off for ten years is probably enough. I even read a huge swath of the manga (though not *all* of it) to prepare myself. I wanted to do my homework, as to avoid somebody making a "Penguin Truth Was Wrong About Akira" video. (Yeah, right, like anyone would even notice this video.)

Otaku Evolution Episode 257 - Black Lagoon

Yikes... I'm running out of favorite anime to review! But I can't worry about that, because Black Lagoon was calling to me, saying in a loud voice, "Review me!" And I cannot ignore the call of a classic, one of my favorite anime of all time. Still, of my, let's say, top 30, I've got maybe five or six left to do? I might have to begin intentionally reviewing bad anime just to distance myself from the rest, as painful as that'd be. Not to mention, this anime also has one of my favorite English dubs, and I'm pretty sure I'm all out of those to cover after this. But more on the dub another time.

Otaku Evolution Episode 256 - Mid Year English Dub Review X

So, as usual, I'm covering the English versions of the anime I've reviewed so far this year. I'd say the strongest dubs I went over were the two Funimation ones. In the next half of the year, I'll try not to even do Funimation dubbed anime, unless a spot opens up that I end up filling with one. I want to get in titles dubbed by other ADR outfits for variety.

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