beauty pageant

Carrie Prejean, American Hero

God Bless Carrie Prejean. A lifelong battle with retardation did not deter this courageous woman from participating in shallow, uninteresting, largely uneventful, and certainly irrelevant beauty pageants. She took a cue from her brave, WWII-fighting grandfather and fought for the rights of bigots to carry on their homophobia in all corners of the country by answering a question in the Miss USA contest, whose viewership are the morbidly obese Wal-Mart shoppers in the Mid-Western fly over states, those devout followers of the Magical Sky Father (TM). How dare these people in the media try to opress her, denying her the right to free speech by criticizing something she says! Because, as we all know, free speech means never having to defend your idiotic statements.

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