Otaku Evolution Episode 172 - Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon

This will probably be the last Dragon Ball Month. It's not like there's not more DB/Z to cover, but I feel like I don't need to dedicate an entire month to it anymore, I've made most of the points I wanted to make about the franchise. This is one of the reasons I chose Wrath of the Dragon to review last, because it was the last DBZ movie until 2013's Battle of Gods (or maybe you want to count 2008's Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!, which we still don't have over here, with an English dub).

The wraparound material is just explaining or showing bits of the last Penguin Chronicles (one of my old strips) arc that I never finished in strip form. I have fun.

My Dailymotion page

Otaku Evolution Episode 171 - Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound

The wraparound material this time covers some of the storyline I never completed in my Penguin Chronicles comic strip, involving Prince Cassus' previous airship, the Gaizu, among other things. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with completing it via these videos (as flashbacks), these are anime reviews, but I guess I just like toying around with the sprites and backgrounds. And the pre-opening credits bit is set to Shunsuke Kikuchi's "M742", or "The Suspensful Intermission".

DBZ Movie 9, Bojack Unbound, is probably my favorite of all the DBZ movies, or indeed DB movies overall. It's nothing deep or profound, but it features a lot of great elements, from its settings to the action to the music. It's not perfect, it's just my favorite.

Falldog's Sci-Fi Novel Rankings - July 2024 Edition

Falldog's Sci-Fi Novel Rankings

To wrap up 2018 I wanted to share a something I've been working on over the past year, my list of top Sci-Fi novels (slash series where applicable).

First off, let me state that this list is a terrible, awful, no good, bad idea. No matter what order I would put these in there will always be someone who disagrees. That's totally okay, there are parts of this list that I may disagree with myself depending what lenses I'm looking through. There's so much going on in the science fiction genre that trying to compare and sort by best is like trying to compare apples and oranges. How do you compare ground breaking works that introduced new concepts well ahead of any real world implementation against enjoyable, albeit unimaginative, military sci-fi serials? What about series with four plus novels that dip and rise in quality depending on what's going on? Or even works elevated beyond written form by fantastic audio book narration? The short answer is you can't, not realistically at least.

Otaku Evolution Episode 174 - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (two seasons) is 52 episodes long, making this the most episodes I've ever watched to review for these videos. Not only that, but it's definitely the most I've ever watched to review for a single video. I didn't even break this into two or three parts! I probably could have stretched the material, too. But I felt like one succinct video was enough to give the right impression of this classic anime.

Well, actually, it was a tiny bit longer, originally, but I had to edit it down because it was blocked in some areas. Always a pain in the ass, YouTube and Japanese companies. But you get the drift.

Otaku Evolution Episode 173 - Mid Year English Dub Review VI

More wrap-around material in this one. This will be the last one for a while, though I have plenty of ideas for that stuff. I wanted to do something with Ambassador Morran and thought I'd throw in the assassin Ravex as well, since I've barely used him. Here they're visiting Golex's people, the Lithos, for some reason. I'll get to that another time. After this, I want to concentrate more on the reviews themselves.

Speaking of the reviews, I'm glad I didn't have to suffer through too many lousy dubs in this half of the year. I didn't plan based on dub studios, just based on what I felt like reviewing or what I had time to review when I scheduled everything. I only have a tenuous schedule for the second half of the year, though I did name drop some of the things I'll be doing at the end of this video.

Otaku Evolution Episode 172 - Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon

This will probably be the last Dragon Ball Month. It's not like there's not more DB/Z to cover, but I feel like I don't need to dedicate an entire month to it anymore, I've made most of the points I wanted to make about the franchise. This is one of the reasons I chose Wrath of the Dragon to review last, because it was the last DBZ movie until 2013's Battle of Gods (or maybe you want to count 2008's Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!, which we still don't have over here, with an English dub).

The wraparound material is just explaining or showing bits of the last Penguin Chronicles (one of my old strips) arc that I never finished in strip form. I have fun.

My Dailymotion page

Otaku Evolution Episode 171 - Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound

The wraparound material this time covers some of the storyline I never completed in my Penguin Chronicles comic strip, involving Prince Cassus' previous airship, the Gaizu, among other things. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with completing it via these videos (as flashbacks), these are anime reviews, but I guess I just like toying around with the sprites and backgrounds. And the pre-opening credits bit is set to Shunsuke Kikuchi's "M742", or "The Suspensful Intermission".

DBZ Movie 9, Bojack Unbound, is probably my favorite of all the DBZ movies, or indeed DB movies overall. It's nothing deep or profound, but it features a lot of great elements, from its settings to the action to the music. It's not perfect, it's just my favorite.

Otaku Evolution Episode 170 - Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure

I thought I'd get back to the "storyline", or bookend material, this month, because the videos are pretty short. I know you probably just skip to the review portion (I'm glad anyone even bothers with that much), but I like doing this sort of thing now and then, because it allows me to play with more sprites. I love playing with my (and Rob's) sprites!
I have toyed with ideas I mentioned here about a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fanfic, but I feel like I'm getting a little too old to be writing anime fanfics. And yeah, I was going to do a separate video series, aside from Otaku Evolution, on the DC animated films that come out straight to DVD/Blu-Ray. I had a lot of things ready for it, too, like a rating system for each feature. I somehow just never got to it. Should I still do it? Eh.

Also, Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure, folks. It's a Dragon Ball movie. With Arale in it!


My Dailymotion page

Otaku Evolution Episode 169 - Venus Wars

I love Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, but a lot of what he makes, in terms of direction, is a bit wonky. I suppose the Gundam The Origin OVA is an exception, but don't think that's because he made the manga, because he did that for Venus Wars, too. I guess he just improved over time, because Venus Wars, a bit like the Crusher Joe movie, is kind of a mess. No, Venus Wars is especially a mess, just a lopsided, but gorgeous-looking wreck of a film that I want desperately to love. It certainly has nostalgic value to it, as it was one of the first anime movies I ever saw, back when it aired on the Sci-Fi Channel's Anime Saturday block.

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